Mark Grasso/ Drums, Percussion
Always striving to mash up the styles of Elvin Jones and Jeffrey 'Houseman’ Clemens, Mark has honed some wicked-serious and grooving chops. Oh and he tries his damnedest to mimic Alex Acuña on percussion. Check that shit OUT!

Mark Woodyatt/ Violin
Mark flows between soaring slurs and the most technical arpeggios and crazy pizzicato shit you have ever heard played. Don’t believe me? Check out his work on “Daddy” (get your Kleenex) and “Pining Time” (that ain’t no guitar!). Consider yourself warned.

John Ruffi/ Guitar
John is a guitarist’s guitarist. This man will stop you in your tracks with his sumptuous style and voluptuous voicings. You think you play guitar? You might want to put your heart on a platter and start eating it now!

Jon Ventre/
Jon plays with several of the most bombastic bands around and graces us with his brilliance when he’s not booked or touring. He’s also one of the coolest dudes you’ll ever meet.

John Kennedy/ Everything
John plays guitar, piano, bass, and even the god damn tin whistle. John also sings and is a diehard member of the Kerry Kenny Irish Band. John doesn’t stick around for autographs - an absolute pro at the Irish Exit!

Joe Biglin/
With a degree in Funk Communications, Joe Biglin elevates the Kerry Kenny Band with his own brand of Jersey love. You'll limp away after having your mind melted by Joe’s complete command of the keyboard universe.

Dave Maxwell/
A lover of the low-end, Dave has been a bassist for 30 years and has played with Grammy award winning artists, local icons, and more. He loves the funk and hopes to move your feet!